Speaking and School Visits

Thinking of having
Mary Casanova
visit your school or
speak at your conference?
Click here to send your inquiry to Lisa Nadel, Mary’s booking agent, to see if her calendar is open for your chosen dates. (The earlier you book, the better chance she will still have openings. Many bookings often happen a year in advance.)
What about books?
Schools love how easy it is to work with Mary’s husband, Charlie Casanova, to order Mary’s books, especially when Mary has a wealth of titles from multiple publishers.
We cover the cost of ordering books, shipping and sales tax. Contact Charlie (iceboxchas@gmail.com) for more information.
Here are links to the Author Visit Information Sheet and a sample Book Order Form for your review.
Please let Lisa know if you have questions or want to schedule an author visit. We’re happy to work with you to make your author visit a seamless experience and stellar event.
Thank you once again for your interest in a visit with Mary Casanova!
—Lisa Nadel, lonnilanemarketing@gmail.com
Comments about Mary’s School Visits
Arrowhead Library System Tour, northern MN
Grand Rapids Area Public Library
“Excellent storytelling! So engaging! Wonderful background info! A wonderful mix of reading, visuals, and conversation. So many in the audience had read these books with their children and others couldn’t believe how many books she’s written – or the variety of genres and topics they cover. We love having Mary and would welcome her back anytime! People stayed to visit for 30+ minutes after the program. Mary was very gracious!”
“Mary is always a winner!!”
“I heard Mary speak sometime ago and loved it – this second time was different…and also wonderful!”
Chisholm Public Library
“Best. Day. Ever! Great program. Mary had the attention of a lot of little kids! It was nice that it was so interactive. We would love to have her back! 🙂 We had a lot more people show up than expected. It was a full house in our space!”
Two Harbors Public Library
“Mary Casanova’s listeners connect with her through her passion for writing!”
“I tapped into the thought process of this author! Thank you.”
Virginia Public Library and Local School
“Children were super excited to hear the speaker, and many students and teachers purchased books in advance to get signed by Mary. Her presentation was hugely important for them to hear, especially when she shared her early struggles with reading, having difficulties getting her work published, and getting past fear when writing. Her final words were about practicing kindness, which I loved.”
Hibbing Public Library
“Two patrons came early to talk with Mary Casanova and to get a good seat. Everyone who attended loved the program! She listened, answered questions, was very well spoken, she had many encouraging words to everyone who attended. She compiles so much research before she writes her books, so she knows exactly what she is speaking about. Her passion for reading and libraries is inspirational to young and old!”
Laurentian Elementary School
“The children were very excited from the moment they saw Mary Casanova. They shared with her their drawings of her books and were eager to ask questions, which Mary happily engaged with. A few kids even had a list of questions ready for her! … Loved the books that were read to them as well as the play!”
—Teacher, Pre‑K/Grade 2
“I appreciated how Mary shared about the writing process. It was GREAT for my class to hear how many rough drafts it takes to complete a book. We work on this in class. Wonderful opportunity — thanks!”
“Learned about the author, how she came to be a writer, and used different experiences to help her write. We LOVED it!”
Merritt Elementary School, Mountain Iron
“Such a great program! Interactive and movement for the kids, then quiet for a story, then back to movement!!”
“So happy we brought her to the school. It was a great success!”
Ely Public Library
“Very well done! I loved it!”
“Mary is a fabulous presenter!”
“Learned about the author, how she came to be a writer, and used different experiences to help her write. We LOVED it!”
Calumet Public Library
“Very, very interesting! Mary presented so completely and so well.”
“It was very interesting to hear Mary talk about her research and history behind her books!”
Indus School, Baudette, MN
“The students were so ENGAGED, it was incredibly beneficial. Sometimes the messages we as teachers try to give aren’t received but having another voice (such as Mary’s) can sometimes resonate with our students. She did that yesterday.”
—Shawn Bowles, Indus English Department
Minnetonka Middle Schools, Minnetonka, MN
“Mary’s visit went smoothly. She was well prepared, and we tried to have everything prepared for a successful visit. The three sessions were interesting to watch. The students were truly interested in the process of how an author creates and enjoyed Mary’s slide presentation. They especially enjoyed the process Mary shared with how a book cover is created. I think they found it fascinating to see the back and forth that occurs before the cover art is finalized.”
—Jane Zins, Media Specialist
Granite Bay, California
“Mary Casanova’s presentation at Ridgeview Elementary school in Granite Bay, California included every element needed for a perfect school Author Day. Mary’s ability to interactively engage the students was masterful. Her multi dimensional approach, using an overview of writing basics with an emphasis on the importance of incorporating personal experience and thorough research, was brilliant. Our school has a notable history of visits by excellent authors with Mary Casanova on our list of the most highly recommended. Her superb presentation motivates children to develop their writing skills and will inspire them to have a life long love of reading.”
—Lori Dechert, Author Day Committee Chair
Independence, Missouri
“I’ve noticed a lot of‘ dialogue’ lately about author school visits so I wanted to share our recent experience. I couldn’t wait to let everyone on LM-NET know about an awesome guest author we were privileged to host last week. Mary Casanova is from northern Minnesota, is reasonably priced and has a variety of published books including a folktale and another picture book as well as several outstanding chapter books to appeal to 3rd grade up to 8th. Our staff was so impressed with her outstanding rapport with the kids that they have asked me to reschedule her in a couple of years! We have a guest author in our school every year, but Mary was one of the best. If you’re looking for a great author visit, check out Mary Casanova. You won’t be disappointed!”
—Joyce McMurray, Library Media Specialist,
Fire Prairie Middle School, Fort Osage R‑I School District
International School, Paris, France
“[Our 4th and 5th grade international school students] enjoyed hearing about her childhood and seeing photos. Since many had never visited the United States, she was careful to be aware of cultural differences and explain things the children might not be familiar with. They were captivated when she recounted the many personal experiences that became chapters in the books.They appreciated the fact that she had to remain confident and persistent in order to attain her goal of being a published children’s author. Her booksigning was very personal and the best I have ever seen. She took time to speak to each child and they, in turn, felt so special and inspired to write. Her books were never on the shelves for long and, now, even a year later, they still recall her visit in detail.”
—Carolyn White-Lesieur, International School of Paris, France
Other References
Toni Buzzeo, LMS Longfellow School, Portland, Maine
“She is truly a class act. I thoroughly recommend her for any age level. The staff of George E. Jack would agree 100%.
—Kris Zuidema, LMS George E. Jack School, Standish, Maine.
Recent Visits and Photos from Fans

Virtual Visits

“I wanted to thank you for visiting with us on Thursday. The girls had a great time meeting you and you definitely became the highlight of the evening! Thank you so much for taking the time out and visiting with us. The girls have already requested me to purchase your new American Girl book for next year, so we will be sure to get that in the library since your fans are looking forward to reading it!”
—Kimberly Megill,
Jacksonville Public Library
Publicity Photos
If you need a photo of Mary to help publicize a school visit or conference, please use the links below. If you need a print quality image larger than 4 x 5 inches, please send an e‑mail request with the specifics of what you need.

Web resolution (72 DPI, 400 pixels square)
Print resolution (240 DPI, 4 × 4 inches)

Web resolution (72 DPI, 400 pixels square)
Print resolution (240 DPI, 4 × 6 inches)

Web resolution (72 DPI, 600 × 750 pixels)
Print resolution (225 DPI, 8 × 10 inches)